72-Hour Fasts Suggestions and Experience
Introduction Although I managed to keep it at bay during the pandemic, I got COVID a few weeks ago. Avoiding antibiotics, by all means, I trusted my instincts, doing what always worked for me. While [...]
Introduction Although I managed to keep it at bay during the pandemic, I got COVID a few weeks ago. Avoiding antibiotics, by all means, I trusted my instincts, doing what always worked for me. While [...]
Introduction Sharing my experience of doing OMAD for 7+ years, my two previous posts addressed (1 and 2) the plan's application for bodybuilding and improving daily living and mental health and performance. Building on that, [...]
Many diet trends changed since the past decade. To capitalize off of each, the mainstream also transformed its face. Hence adjusted to platforms like "YouTube" and "Social Media." From "High-Carb" to "Caveman." From "Paleo" to "Keto," or "H.F.L.C." And now [...]