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I start this post I would like to mention that since started to train I always use to experiment with a tons of different diets or ways of eating. Most of them I found on top bodybuilding and fitness sites and magazines. All of them based on consuming carbs and protein with every meal while eating multiple meals spread through out the day. (some with starchy, some with only fibrous carbs and etc.)
Probably 100% of the diets were really high on carbohydrates and very low on fat.Some consist larger variety of carbs (fruits, veggies, grains and starches), but others rely mostly on complex carbs such as (whole grains, oats, rice , potatoes.) as the typical bodybuilding diets.
All of them are based on burning glucose/sugar/carbohydrate/glucose as fuel and primary energy source.
What I remember
from the time I use to eat carbs and why I actually quit them…
*I was getting really tired so easy. It was very difficult for me to focus my mind on something for more than half an hour.
*I had this carb, sugary addiction. I felt groggy pretty much non stop.
I was craving carbs pretty much 24/7.
*Doesn’t matter what sources of carbs I use to have in the “diet” I always use to crave more. I was non stop hungry. One thing I found during that period was even all of the carbs are turned in to glucose fructose is probably the worst of all them. So even when I use to have more carbs I always avoided fructose and stayed away from fruits in general. I clearly remember I was non stop bloated with almost zero definition even when I stayed on caloric deficit for days.
I use to strictly follow the multiple meals a day protocol for very long time.
But …
An hour or hour and a half after the meal there was always this crash of my blood sugar levels. It use to make me really tired. Until the next meal when I had to fix my blood glucose levels and spike my insulin with carbs.
*It was a lot like roller coaster.
*A vicious circle.
*Day in day out.
“How I felt back than…”
Very often I felt very bad about stuff.
*Most of the time back then I was very moody and nervous type of person.
The moments of anxiety, depression and doubt were regular part of my week.
I will never forget how difficult everything use to look in my eyes.
Very often I use leave unfinished things and task for “tomorrow”.
I had hard times finishing simple everyday tasks…
I also had that feel of being afraid to step my game up and get things done.
A terrible lack of confidence…
I had difficulties in developing proper sleep schedule.
I was sleep deprived very often.
As long it comes to my training and fitness journey…
I use to build muscle slowly, while staying always bloated.
*Pretty much Zero Conditioning and definition.
I use to drink a lot of protein shakes back then too.
All of them highly recommended on the top bodybuilding and fitness sites as the best products possible…
Obviously all of them packed with carbs and sugars.
I always looked forward to the day with the higher carb intake …
Which lead me developed a food addiction and eating disorder.
On the next day I was always full of guilt and felt horrible.
Like a very bad hangover after drinking alcohol type of feel.
Or actually even worse…
Than on the next day I was trying to burn everything with more and more training and cardio most of the times twice a day…
But the most awful thing…
I use to spend a lot of my time thinking about some different foods and crave them so bad.
Which completely deprived me from the ability to be creative, productive and focus my mind on my personal development.
I always suffered from not having enough time.
Because of all of the cooking, portion measuring and eating.
Often I had this lack of ideas and motivation.
I felt pretty miserable...
I was addicted to carbs.
(Honestly … I really do not even want to think about it again).
I had almost zero productivity in life.
“This has detrimental effect, specially on someone who is obsessed with his goals such as me…”
The nightmare continued for several years.
Because I use to believe what I ve been told on the magazines and fitness websites..
But… One day I thought to myself:
There must be something more.
This is not the lifestyle that will let me to become a better version of myself.
I understood this type of eating is not going to lead me to any kind of success in my projects.
Either if it is music and scratching or simply making progress in Bodybuilding/Fitness and life in general…
Something was definitely wrong.
I was fully convinced to fix it in order improve the quality of my life and performance.
So one day I felt like it was enough.
It was time for a change.
I really did not wanted to continue with this way of living.
I did some Big Research.
This time by completely avoiding any type of flashy bodybuilding, fitness or health websites, magazines and etc.
I did searching mostly on underground, self improvement websites and articles of different writers or entrepreneur’s blogs.
(All of them Extremely successful at what they do… )
I was simply amazed of what I Found.
And it changed my life completely…