Get more free time and unleash your productivity OMAD

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Get more free time and unleash your productivity with:

We need more time and energy to get stuff done. We can get more energy by adjusting our diet accordingly to our needs, eliminating stuff like junk, processed sugars and etc. But there is more.

Avoiding activities that costs too much expenditure of those two plays huge role and provides great results as well. Combination of both is key to a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Probably the most energy consuming thing from our daily habits is eating. Eating food requires huge amounts of energy. Energy that is already there stored on our bodies in form of either fat or a glycogen (in the muscles). A lot of people live their lives with the idea, food gives us energy and this is actually correct.

But the opposite is also true…

The food is converted to energy by our bodies. But almost nobody pays attention to the second part – Food becomes available as a fuel source only after it is processed and digested.
All that requires energy and time.

In today’s era is very popular to say “High Fat Low Carb” diets does not cause that. Because they do not cause an insuline spike. but it is certainly not true. Carbs or no carbs every type of food needs to be converted into an energy in order to become available for use from the body. Yes the ketogenic diets will keep you full for a lot longer periods of time and Yes! The fat has the ability to help you emulsify the proteins. Also the high quality animal fat gives you long lasting sustainable levels of energy without blood sugar crashes and fluctuations. I am not against that kind of diets, it is actually the opposite. I use ketosis myself.

But after all
Ketogenic or not after a meal I always become a bit slower, no matter what I eat.

By itself eating also takes time…
Food preparation and cooking takes time…
Cleaning your teeth properly takes time…

And You do this multiple times a day? You can do your own calculations on how much time you spend for one day. How about for one week, or month.

To be bloody honest with you this really scares the s..t out of me…

*The zone of productivity
Often times we need special conditioning in order to get to the zone of peak performance. A lot of people know it, but a lot of others don’t. No wonder why nowadays the method of having the

correct ritual before doing something in order to get in the right state of mind becomes more and more popular. Thats because it simply works. It helps you get into the zone.
But if you constantly jumping back and forward you probably waste your time.
Our life is full of distractions.

if I get into the zone I really do not want to be distracted by any means. Having a meal in the middle of a productive working block/ session ruins everything. It almost completely destroys my excitement, motivation and hunger for achieving the best results possible.


A lot of the people feel hungry and deprived during the stages of adaptation. This is because 90 percent of them do it the wrong way. In order to become adapted you need to eat foods that don’t cause cravings addictions and blood sugar spikes or crashes.

I see the ketogenic diets as the ultimate tool for one meal a day adaptation. Nothing has the ability to create this smooth transition from multiple meals to one meal a day than the state of Ketosis – The most essential way to teach you body start using it’s own fat as primary energy source.
Something that you should have as main focus when adapting.
Extremely important, but tiny little detail most of the OMAD Guru’s deny to understand.

For almost 2 years I used a no carb re-feed version of the Vince Gironda’s “Steak and Eggs”.

It was fantastic. In my personal opinion it is the best version of ketogenic diet for bodybuilders. Even is slightly different I was full like up 8 to 10 hour after a meal. No hunger and almost 0 cravings.
The amounts of fat and protein in this diet are almost equal which makes it perfect for someone who wants to build muscle and recover from heavy training sessions…
This was how I adapted. First the meals were 2, but after an year I cut the first one.

Life on steak and eggs was amazing. I became a new completely different and totally better version of myself. A lot more focused, driven and productive.
But after a while I noticed I always feel a bit groggy after a meal. No matter how big or small the meal was or what amount of grass fed butter I used with it I always felt a bit tired for 2 to 3 hours after having the meal.

It was most definitely not the same such as a carbohydrate crash…

But the truth to be told I never saw this as a problem as long as for my second meal, the one I eat around an hour and a half before I go to the bed. Food before bed helps me settle down and relax. I also found certain foods before bed improve the quality of my sleep. But on the other hand feeling tired in the middle of the day is terrible disaster for me. In the middle of the day I want to do things I am not ready to settle down or relax.

So I eat only once. I cut my first meal and I sticked with the second…

*Get stuff done.
I am not going to lie I am the type of person who is obsessed with getting the most of his day if not having the best possible day. I am that dude who gets MASSIVELY depressed if in the end of a certain day I go to bed knowing I did not accomplished anything. I need to know that I made something even if it’s just a tiny little progress.

I need this. I need it so bad.
It is so essential for me. And I am fully aware I am not alone.
I also need to know I did my best to have the correct mindset and condition in order to perform at my best during the whole day.

Because if I don’t

I know I will blame myself and not feel satisfied.

Cognitive and Physical performance require lots of Energy.
Energy which is already available in our bodies in form of stored fat or glycogen into the muscle cell.

I refuse to waste mine on eating during the wrong time. It is too precious for me.

How about you ?

Instead of spending it to convert the new food in bioavailable fuel, I do the opposite. I use the pre-stored energy to kick-ass all day and before bed I re-feed for the next day. My meal consists either lots of red meat and white rice or lots red meat and whole free range eggs.

Is OMAD Scam ?
My take on it …

Despite what Health/Fitness “GURUS” or “Life Coaches” say about: “How you should avoid eating after 5, 6 or 7 PM. Or how your body constantly needs to eat or you are going to go catabolic and loose all of you muscle mass. I feel like my adaptation to one meal a day life style was one of the best things I did for myself. As long as for my cognitive performance I feel the exact same way during my fasted periods such as when I am in deep state of ketosis. Believe it or not even If I have some Safe starches mostly in form of white basmatti rice along with my red meat before bed, on the next day my mind is sharp I am able to get stuff done and stay focused.
I am so motivated. Most of the time during the fast I have a state of mind that allows me to constantly take action and push towards my goals. Whatever are they.

Music, Filming or Editing Videos, Bodybuilding , Writing or Designing an artwork…

Ability that was’ntthere for me during the whole life.

I found this feel because of the state of ketosis. But I do believe the one meal a day can take this to whole another different level.

You do not believe me?
You think OMAD is a scam?
Well ok than.

Bellow I am giving you a short list of names. Names of people who inspired me to get involved in this lifestyle. All of them Extremely successful in what they do.
All of them top notch performers in multiple areas – Masters of several skills.

Serge Nubret – Actor/ Bodybuilder RIP
RZA AKA Bobby Digital – Music Producer , Recording Artist , Founder of the Wu-tang Clan.
General. Stanley McChrystal – Commander of Special Operations, Director Joint Staff
Greg Plitt – Fitness model, Actor, Former Army Ranger RIP
Ori Hofmekler – Writer, Founder of Defense Nutrition, Fitness Expert and more
Herschel Walker – Track and Field Athlete, NFL Super Start , MMA Fighter

*During the fast:
During the fasted period I feel full, satisfied. I don’t feel hunger and I do not crave foods. I am able to focus on my work for hours. I try to stay well hydrated, so I drink a lot of water. Most of the days over around gallon per day. I also drink a lot of coffee.

I am huge coffee lover, since I was a little boy…

Besides coffee and I have some green tea occasionally. I do not consume any calories or sweeteners.

*Blood Sugar Levels.
During the fast my blood sugar levels always stay stable. There is not big of a difference if I go straght steaks and eggs or if do Rice and red meat such as nowadays.
On steak and eggs my measurements are between 4.4 to 4.7 mml
On Rice and Red meat and maybe some veggies 5.0 to 5.3 mml
As you can tell with the carbs it is a bit higher, but I feel my pumps are better I am fuller, more veins arteries and I have a lot of definition. I am also able to push a lot heavier weight.

This is why I am willing to sacrifice the difference…

*Best foods for One meal a day:

Carb sources:
Safe Starches
White rice : Basmati or Jasmine (I love both in the past I used more Jasmine, but nowadays I go with Basmati.
Sweet Potatoes, Yams

Meats and fishes.
Gras fed beef (Burgers, steaks, ground meat).
Free Range / Organic chicken,

Wild Caught Salmon.

Whole organic eggs.

Vegetables: Green leafy ( Spinach, peppers, onions, carrots)

Combinations of all those foods will keep you full with stable blood sugar levels during the long periods of fasted state.
I do not recommend any form of carbohydrate or starch during the period of the first 6 months of adaptation…


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