This page has all the content I write and produce on various related to the occult, and personal development, such as various branches of philosophy. This includes book reviews, practical magick, personal reflections, and more. While I focus on systems like the Golden Dawn, Thelema, Qabalah, the Left-Hand Path, New Thought, etc, I also consider the latest research in the fields of neuroeconomics, behavioral science, and psychology.

What is Thelema Part 1

Thelema The word 'Thelema' is transliterated from the ancient Greek noun' θέλημα,' 'will.' Its meanings include 'purpose,' 'wish,' 'want,' and 'desire.' In early Christianity, Thelema often referred not just to one's but more so to the divine (or God's) [...]

2023-12-06T07:54:48+00:00November 26th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What is Thelema Part 1

Thoth Tarot Fortune Card

Introduction Loaded with symbolism and colored in Golden Dawn's 'Flashing Colors,' the Thoth Tarot Fortune card represents perpetual change. On its wheel are the Sphinx, the Hermanubis, and Typhon, which are responsible for its motion. They also represent the [...]

2023-11-10T13:26:14+00:00November 10th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thoth Tarot Fortune Card
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