Sometimes overshadowed by the Lesser Pentagram, the Lesser Hexagram ritual deals with the higher planes. It is the next step, enabling you to work with celestial or inter- and transpersonal energies.
In the previous video, we discussed the meanings and symbolism behind the LRP. In this one, we’ll repeat with the LRH, exploring ideas to deepen your practice.
Like the LRP, the LRH was likely written by Samuel MacGregor Mathers, the chief adept of the original Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn. As mentioned in the previous video, the Golden Dawn profoundly impacted Western Occultism, continuing to influence modern practitioners.
The Golden Dawn was an ‘outer’ order of the ‘inner’ Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis, or Red Roses and Golden Crosses. The key detail is that unlike the LRP, which was taught in this outer order, the LRH was kept for the inner.
As covered in another video, the LRH is a general macrocosmic ritual working with influences Magick attributes to:
- The seven classical planets and
- The twelve Zodiac signs.
The LRH has an invoking and a banishing form.
- The first is the LIRH, which is kinda underrated, though it shouldn’t be. It engages the mentioned forces, which can contribute to greater probability shifts and external results.
- The second, LBRH clears or purifies the astral realm, basically isolating your workings.
The Lesser Hexagrams
The LRH uses the so-called GD Elemental hexagrams formed by two triangles, discussed in my video on the Elements:
- The first points upward and symbolizes Fire.
- The second points downward and represents Water.
- The first is the animating and driving force of nature, and the second is the passive and receptive one.
When combined differently, Fire and Water triangles represent the Elements in the LRH.
- Fire over Fire – Fire,
- Balanced Fire and Water – Earth
- Fire over Water – Air,
- Water over Fire – Water.
Saturn and Earth
Before diving into the proportions or degrees these symbols represent, the LRH can also use a Saturn or Earth hexagram, which can be unicursal. This is because:
- Earth represents all Elements, whereas Saturn is their path and
- Both Earth and Saturn are associated with heavy and dense energies.
Now, back to the triangles.
The Elemental hexagrams are red and blue, expressing Fire and Water. Alternatively, they can be in the Elemental colors:
- Fire – Red,
- Water – Blue,
- Air – Yellow, and
- Earth – Green
Although dealing with the Elements like the LRP, the LRH uses different directions. This is because Western Magick has two primary orderings for Elements:
- The Winds model for the Pentagram and the microcosm and
- The Zodiac model for the Hexagram and the macrocosm.
The models can be modified, but this is beyond the scope of this video. The bottom line is that neither is cooler nor less important. Let me explain.
Subjective and Objective
- The Winds model is based on subjective perception.
- The Zodiac model, as found in a moment, reflects the Sun’s movement, which is objective.
Though at different stages, both models do the same:
- Elevating consciousness and causing mind shifts.
- Enabling you to work with various forces from states of balance.
Natural Progression
- The Qabalistic Cross, the first gesture of the LRP, identifies you with the Tree of Life, the central schema of Western Magick, which maps your psyche.
- The actual LRP brings internal balance elevating you from a mundane state associated with Malkuth, the lowest sephirah, to a higher and closer to Tiphereth, the seat of the Angel.
- As the next stage, the LRH identifies you with the Sun surrounded by the Zodiac belt. Hence, the Zodiac model.
LRP puts you at the intersection of the paths of Samekh and Peh. With LRH, you move a notch to Tiphereth, as the classical planets are the ‘mundane chakras’ of Sephiroth three to nine, with Daath representing Saturn Binah. They are ordered by the divine name ARARITA I discuss in my Unicursal Hexagram video.
So, the models work together, taking you to different stages of the same process.
Cardinal Signs
The Zodiac model is based on the Sun’s positions throughout the year, the key points aligned with the cardinal signs:
- East: Vernal equinox – Aries and Fire,
- South: Winter solstice – Capricorn and Earth,
- West: Fall equinox – Libra and Air, and
- North: Summer Solstice – Cancer and Water.
This arrangement connects the Sun’s movement to the elemental directions.
Solar Power
The relationship between the Sun and the Elements is expressed by the hexagram. Esoterically, the Sun is considered:
- The great equalizer, balancing forces in the solar system, aka the magickal universe.
- The source of all matter is formed through the condensation of solar energy.
Similarly, Tiphereth, the sphere of the Sun, is the most balanced point in the Tree of Life.
Associated with Spirit, or Quintessence, Solar energy condenses into the Elements. Moving from least to most dense, these are:
- Fire,
- Air,
- Water, and
- Earth.
This transition is also expressed by the Middle Pillar in the Tree of Life:
- Kether is pure energy,
- Daath is subtle matter, aka prima materia
- Tiphereth balances energy and matter. Hence, its name is a god among humans.
- Yesod includes energy and matter, and
- Malkuth is pure matter.
Spirit and Matter are like water and ice, the two conditions of the same thing. Everything in between are degrees, states, and proportions. Think of additive color theory, according to which all colors are:
- Wavelengths of light and
- Combinations of red, green, and blue.
The LRH lets you work with the Sun’s power in all its forms.
The Kings
This brings us to Tiphereth’s choir of angels, the Melechim, or Kings. The main purpose of the Supreme and Greater Pentagrams is attuning your space to a particular force. So you can work with specific entities like the Elemental Kings:
- Djinn – Fire,
- Paralda – Air,
- Niksah – Water, and
- Gheb – Earth
As perfected archetypes, the Elemental Kings are material expressions of divinity. They originate from Tiphereth through the process of ‘spiritualizing matter,’ aka the Philosopher’s Stone.
So, when performing the LRH, we effectively engage the Kings, which is why the GD pentacle has a hexagram representing:
- Earth’s psychic centers, and
- The protection against hostile astral forces.
More on that is in Mark Stavish’s article Notes on the Hexagram.
The Elements in the LRH
As covered, the Elements in the LRH represent variations of solar energy, each having unique properties:
- Fire: Brings initiation, action, rapid transformation, and purification. Think of Atziluth and the Wands.
- Water: Supports initiation and invention and fosters obtaining answers, emotional connection, love, and receptivity. Think of Briah and the Cups.
- Air: Restructures the mind, integrating energy and increasing clarity. Think of Yetzirah and the Swords.
- Earth: Synthesizes and grounds the solar energy into material form and strengthens the body. Think of Assiah and the Disks.
Horizontal and Vertical Intimacy
A concept critical to practical magick is horizontal and vertical intimacy.
- Horizontal is your ability to interact with the physical, take action, execute, and ‘win friends and influence people.’
- Vertical is how you engage the deeper or inner realms, aka the upper worlds.
When the first dominates, we have corporate people and hustlers with no inner life. When that is reversed, we have mystics who know all the secrets but are unable to cause any tangible change. The practical occultist balances both.
As Malkuth is the realm of the Elements, Elemental workings move the energy-matter-consciousness matrix more or less horizontally. By performing LRH, we improve the quality of that process more vertically, becoming more of the third.
Speaking of that, Crowley’s reformed GD, Astrum Argentum, includes LRH from the very start of one’s journey, alongside LRP, GRP, GRH, and purely Thelemic techniques like Liber V, which moves you above Tiphereth.
The LRH is a mighty tool for elevating consciousness, balancing energy, and connecting with Solar forces. Besides enabling you to work with the higher realms and perfected Elemental archetypes, the LRH harmonizes your material and spiritual worlds, which is crucial for getting any results.
This is why, like the LRP, theLRH should precede all your workings—whether Elemental, Planetary, or Zodiac. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know if it resonates. And thank you for your time.