Since starting this channel, I’ve been suggested to make a personal experience video. Recently, a subscriber commented that they are interested in how Thelemic rituals decondition one. Considering this, I decided to share a few (personal) reflections on Liber V Vel Reguli, which is intrinsically Thelemic.

Liber V Vel Reguli

Thelemic books (often) include variations of GD techniques that are part of the A.A. They proceed with Thelemic pentagram and hexagram rituals. One example is Liber V Vel Reguli having no resemblance to others. Calling it the ‘ritual of the mark of the beast,’ Crowley defines Reguli as:

“an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted for the use of the Magician of whatever grade.”

Exposure Therapy

Based on personal experience, Liber V Vel Reguli works like Exposure therapy. Exposure therapy exposes one to whatever one has issues with to help ‘build tolerance and immunity.’

Potential Triggers

In cases like germophobia (a type of OCD associated with excessive hand-washing), exposure therapy may include ‘getting comfortable’ with touching trash (or random stuff) on the street. Similarly, Vel Reguli identifies potential triggers of fear, horror, shame, sorrow, disgust, etc., and attunes one to currents triggering one or more.


This may be likened to hormesis — a biphasic dose response to an environmental agent that has beneficial effects at low doses and inhibitory or harmful ones at high doses. In nutrition, hormesis is used to prevent zero-carb dieters from developing intolerances similar to a vaccine. Ironically, after a week of Reguli, I feel an unusual desire to experiment with foods I never eat.


Since it causes disturbances, initial reactions to Reguli may include a desire to abandon it. On the contrary, more profound reflections show that the key isn’t avoiding and labeling the mentioned as shameful, disgusting, or immoral, even when they are. It is to find out why they disturb you and how to no longer be disturbed.

Scholars Say

Scholars say Crowley got such a thrill from ‘freaking out’ the ‘freakoutable.’ Well, one of Reguli’s purposes might be eliminating those from the Work. Hence, the rite is for any grade.

Ready to Attack

Crowley advocates performing Reguli with the step of a fierce tiger preparing to attack. While most take that (literally), I found circumambulating widdershins is sufficient, and something else is meant. IMHO, the goal is to prepare to attack whatever frightens you, adjusting the aspects of your psyche that get frightened. It is to unleash the beast on that and not let others use it against you.


Liber vel Reguli attunes one to the energies of the Aeon of Horus. This is about conquering, fire, force, action, and Geburah, which is conflict. It can put you in a situation/mental state implying conflicting something you need to overcome. Considering this and the usual connotations with its pentagrams, one may label it ‘University through Adversity.’

While this holds truth, the potential benefits spread.

I found that becoming less shocked by ‘X’ increased my willingness to take on potentially frightening projects. Let me know if that resonates.

Global Vision

Liber Vel Reguli may help remove delusions about the global situation economically, socially, and politically, regardless of your interests. Or at least it can if you couple it with frequent GRH Jupiter.

The Grass is Not Greener

Say, for instance, you always felt people in a particular country had better opportunities than you. While this may be partially true, Liber V vel Reguli can expose the whole picture, increasing awareness of your options. So, what you perceive as heaven may be just an illusion.

The Vision of the Abyss

Thelema recognizes three development stages. The ‘vision,’ the ‘Knowledge and Conversation,’ and crossing the Abyss, which, according to Damien Echols and Regardie, isn’t for everyone. Whatever the case, Liber  V Vel Reguli can provide a perspective of the steps you’d need to take (if you want) to proceed after the second.

Above Tiphereth

While not part of my research, after a period of daily Liber V Vel Reguli, I assumed that Crossing the Abyss has to do with Solve et Coagula as actually mingling with the whole. My explication is that Reguli puts one above Tiphereth and right below the Abyss. Feel free to share your thoughts.

Isolate Intelligence

Setians and LHP followers may benefit from Liber V Vel Reguli, as it can unveil why they follow the ‘Isolate Intelligence‘ principle and how this relates to their environment. In a different one, they might have a different balance of Horus and Set, i.e., a tendency for collaboration and radical individualism. This different environment may feel suitable for proceeding with the mentioned stages.

Standing Upright

Given all this, (I think) Liber V Vel Reguli trains practitioners to have their heads above the heavens and feet below the hell, as said in Liber צ Tzaddi. To not be frightened by what you perceive as frightening or hell, nor delusional about what heaven is, which (I emphasize) is definitely not easy. But that’s just my opinion. Feel free to share yours, check my products and books, and Thank you for your time!

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