If you’ve read more than a few books on Golden Dawn Magick, you likely encountered that the banishing form of the Lesser Pentagram ritual is (often) labeled as the system’s synecdoche or the Signature Golden Dawn Technique. On the internet, that seems to be many people’s obsession and (even) entire practice (despite the path). But is the former true? Is the LBRP really the most appropriate technique for such a description?

The Golden Dawn System

The Golden Dawn system is very eclectic. It fuses Hermetic Qabalah, Alchemy, Egyptian Mythology, Astrology, Ancient Philosophy, Gnosticism, and the Enochian Watchtowers and Aethyrs. And I probably miss something. While separate approaches, within Golden Dawn derivatives, these map to the Tree Diagram.

Common Sense

It’s only natural that a ‘synecdoche or signature’ technique must represent the system’s totality, expressing how the essential components operate within the whole. Hence, it has to include those in the first place. Let me know if you agree.


Perhaps there are rituals for order-members, I am unaware of. On the contrary, Golden Dawn books present a pentagram and hexagram formula working with the Elemental, Zodiacal, and Planetary forces, or Paths and Sephiroth.

The Supreme Pentagram Ritual

Considering those, nothing engages the system’s totality proportionately. Nothing safe for the Supreme Pentagram Ritual, packing a remarkable punch and blend of symbolism. 

Spirit Pentagrams

Being passive and active, the SRP‘s Golden Dawn spirit pentagrams depict gradual transitioning from one element to another based on mutual qualities (or density) coupled/ordered by Spirit.

Tablet of Union

This comes from ancient philosophy, whereas their names — from the ‘Mystical Tablet of Union.’ Resembling ophanim, the spirit spokeswheel goes with Qabalistic names explained in my works on the rite. The spirit pentagram names translate into ‘Quintessence of the actual element.’

The Veil of Paroketh

The LRP places one at the intersection of Peh and Samekh’s paths. SRP goes further. It works with the veil of Paroketh, which, like the Abyss separating the Supernals, borders between the Moral and Mundane triangles. This reminds us that the SRP is not an Enochian magick; it operates within the Qabalistic paradigm, i.e., the Tree of Life.


After rending the veil, the SRP uses the LVX signs associated with IAO, INRI, Adeptus Minor, and Egyptian deities. These signs are closely related to the concept of the ‘Perfected Osiris’, which is the system’s ultimate goal.

Elemental Pentagrams

SRP‘s spirit pentagrams couple with appropriate Elemental ones. ‘Invoking toward’ and ‘banishing from’ element’s point within the pentagram, the second group (also) aligns with the mentioned regarding ancient philosophy, the Elemental tablets, the Rose Cross, and even parts from the bornless ritual. It makes the rite relevant to so many devices of Western Magick.

Elemental Names

Besides YHVH and ADONAI, present in the LRP, the SRP  employs the names of Chessed and Geburah. Regarded as ‘higher principles,’ the same associate with significant changes and defining personality traits. This unveils the reusability of concepts within the system and various elements having different implications based on context. 

Linea Spiritum Sancti

Like Spirit spokes wheels, Elemental pentagrams go with Zodiac fixed (or Alchemical) signs based on element and preference, due to reasons explained in my SRP cheat sheet. Also, with the ‘three secret holy names of god’ found in Linea Spiritum Sancti, the horizontal line in the Elemental Tablets Great Crosses.


Spirit pentagrams go with the 5=6 signs. Elemental ones go with those of the elements, the lower grades, and sephiroth. Once more, this unpacks the system’s reusability, interconnectedness, and grand synthesis.

Flashing Fusion

Unlike the LRP, which is rather plain, SRP employs Golden Dawn flashing colors radiating with tablets, vaults, tarot cards, color scales, etc.


Any technique can be modified to one’s liking. In that regard, SRP also stands out. One example is implementing the YHVH formula for the four elements; another is using the tablets’ attributions; the third swaps out the traditional archangels for the Kings and incorporates the Enochian key for rending the veil, the Sigil of Truth and even the Tarot. Whatever the case, all these modify but do not alter the rite’s richness.

Solve et Coagula

The SRP is practical and specific. On the contrary, its four-element version can show those new to it what ‘Solve et Coagula’ is actually about. It fosters questioning hard-wired notions, initiating changes, and even distilling the essential from the non-essential, producing well-pronounced alchemical effects.

Personal Opinion

Considering all this, I believe SRP is the genuine signature Golden Dawn technique and perhaps the most underrated one in Western Magick. In and of itself, each of its components is a fusion of concepts and approaches reflecting the Golden Dawn’s essence. In contrast, others could be regarded as highly overrated. But that’s just my opinion. Let me know if you agree, and thank you for your time.

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