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Since my teenage years I always had hard time dedicating all of my time on a certain task or project. Often I use to blame myself me for this. No matter how attracted to something I am the idea of doing only one thing for an extended period of time always drives me crazy. For quiet long time I use to think this is not how it supposed to be and probably something is wrong with me or maybe I have some form of ADD. Many times I tried to force myself to focus my mind on something longer than I actually wanted
Based on my experience I found that Every time I’ve tried to force myself to do something for longer than I actually wanted I always had poor results. I also noticed a slight decrease in the levels of my performance in this non desired extended working period.
After years of struggle with this problem I understand one thing :
Doing only one thing at time and dedicating over 80 to 90 % of my time on it is against my nature.
It may works great for many people, but I am definitely not one of them. I do not enjoy living my life like this and I am fully aware they are other people out there feeling the exact same way. If you feel you are one of those people I highly recommend read the full article. If not and you have great results by focusing your mind on one thing at time than you rather skip the text bellow.
I don’t want to waste your time.
I searched for a way to turn this so called “weakness” of mine into advantage. Than after experimenting with different daily routines and combinations of rituals. I came with a solution. It is tested by myself and it works extremely well for me, so it might work the same way for you. I use this method for quiet a long time. I am not using it 7 days a week, but when I do it always allows me to get the best out of my day!
I found a lot of coaches advocate alternating 1 to 2 hour working blocks with 15 to 20 minute breaks. I tried this many times and it is really great, but if I work on the same area for more than one 2 hour block I notice slight decrease in the levels of my performance, enthusiasm and overall excitement for the task. After the second block I might get really bored and my ability to focus fades away.
The Solution
So instead of forcing my self to work on the same thing for a whole day and end up being bored, less productive and because of it even stressed. I started to alternate between different task, skills and practices. This completely changed everything for me. For some reason switching what I do with each working block creates unexplainable excitement for everything I do. That feel fuels a great desire to actually strive to perform at my best in each and every one of them. I really can’t give you any scientific evidence or explication for this, but what amazed by the fact that after a day on which I made very small progress on multiple different areas I go to sleep way more satisfied. This makes me more calm,humble also a lot more excited and passionate about my life and goals. It might sounds pretty weird but I do believe this method creates some “magical” momentum between the different tasks.
How to start?
All you need is to create a small progress with the first task or block – From there is like a snowball. Just a few small steps and everything becomes easier. In other words to be a winner in the first task. It can be anything. Doesn’t matter. I personally always prefer to start my day with the gym.
I found bodybuilding is something which ignites the positive energy and productivity for the whole day.
I feel combination of high volume /intensity resistant training unleashes the better version of me. I strive to perform at my best in all of my workouts. Just few more reps or weight here and there allow me to leave the gym with the mentality of a winner and from there is like a momentum until the rest of the day. It is a ritual for me. You can use this one too. But I would highly recommend you to experiment with different things and see what works best for YOU. The small success in the first task or block is crucial for the overall progress of the whole day. So you should pay extra attention to what you pick first. I highly suggest you:
Start with something you feel really confident. For me it is the gym, but it can be anything. I found it, because I’ve tried different things. Before the gym It was scratch practicing for an hour or two. Some people meditate, do yoga or whatever….
Do not multitask !
Switching between practices and task does not equals multitasking.
For example when you train for an hour or two you should focus your whole attention on it. If you do something else for example write an article or work on a project, than you must focus your whole being on it. You should strive to become one with the thing you do on a particular working block. Do not mix multiple practices in the same block. If you really want to get the best results out of something than dedicate a whole working block on it, than do the same thing for something else.
Multitasking most likely will lead you to burnout without accomplishing anything. This is something I’ve learned with my own experience. And I payed the price. This is why I do not multitask. Unnecessary Overload of the brain.
As everybody else you probably have things that are more important than others. Those things vary in the different periods in your lifetime. They could be mastering a skill, getting a certificate for something, writing a book or something else.
If you want to prioritize some project or else you can dedicate two or even more multiple blocks on this one and spread em through the whole day. Or maybe do one AM and one PM block. It depends on what you feel comfortable with and what allows you to perform at you best.
Set up alarms and always have little breaks between the blocks.
Good Luck ![/fusion_text][/three_fourth][one_fourth last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][imageframe lightbox=”no” lightbox_image=”” style_type=”none” bordercolor=”” bordersize=”0px” borderradius=”0″ stylecolor=”” align=”none” link=”” linktarget=”_self” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ hide_on_mobile=”no” class=”” id=””]