5 Years Of OMAD | Reasons, Results, Perspective

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Inspired by OMAD’s growing popularity and (of course) some comments from not a while ago, I wanted to make a sequel of my last video on the topic. Instead of focusing on studies like in the same, however, this time, I decided to address a few other things. (1) What has changed since publishing the mentioned video? (2) A short summary of my current eating regimen. (3) Why I plan to stick to OMAD forever. I.e., Naming the exact reasons for seeing it as far superior to any other regimen. (4) Finish with my perspective on it, as one doing it for more than half a decade. That being said, let’s run some intro and dive deep into the first.

Well, the truth to the matter is that nothing really changed. I mean, why I would try to fix or change something since the same gives me the absolute best results. — Not just in terms of physique and appearance, but regarding all aspects of my life. What that thing is? To sum it all up, I’ll say that I never eat more than once per day. Stick to the same food selection. And though occasionally do incorporate one or two (weekly) 48 hour fasts.

Appreciating food not just for its nutrients and taste, but also for its “downer drug” properties, to me eating and sleeping always go hand to hand. Of course, that doesn’t mean eating in bed (or while sleeping), but rather never doing it until the time for hitting the sack comes.

I guess it’s safe to say that, though rarely I make sure it’s well worth it when I eat. For that, I rely on the best foods I can afford, and until reaching the absolute fullness and satiety. No, I never track calories and neither try fitting things in my (unknown to me) macros. What I do instead, is merely following a few simple rules with my OMAD.

(1) Never eating until close to an hour before bedtime. (2) Never tracking calories, nor macros. But ensuring my meal contains enough protein, regardless of the food combinations, I have on a given day. (3) Staying away from all sorts of toxic, and craving causing junk while sticking to foods eating, which is actually beneficial. Thus, (once in a while) worths breaking a fast. Just in case you wonder, the former two include any kind of processed sugars, hydrogenated oils, GMOs, additives, preservatives, various toxins and especially fructose.

(4) Not eliminating any macronutrient in the long run. But also never mixing carbs with fats. Or in other words, alternating between having nothing but animal fats and proteins and incorporating very nutritious, non-toxic and (most importantly tolerable to me) starches and veggies. Now the reasons why I want to do this forever.

Even though not by itself, (the optimized in that manner) OMAD plan provided me with several life-changing benefits. They became a solution to many of my (day to day) problems, and all those related to my physique. So let me explain.

Starting with the written (with capital letters) “FREEDOM” that also includes the previously unavailable, high energy levels, brain performance, uplifted mood, and lean gains (some people still don’t believe are entirely natural). Formerly thinking those were only possible through the usage of gear and “speed-like” drugs, now I kinda celebrate them on a daily. Because of that, I’ll say something about each.

Though by “freedom,” I actually mean quite a few things, first (on the list) undoubtedly comes that of cravings, hunger, and pretty much any desire to mess with, (or think of) food. Now, I really don’t know about you, but my family struggled financially (in the past). Used to get stoned as a teenager. And later, followed some traditional fitness diets.

While the first two made me nowhere near as hungry as the last, the bottom line is that I hate cravings and hunger from the bottom of my heart. Do you know what else? I also don’t feel any different about the whole idea of turning food into a mind preoccupying and entertaining social drug.

No, offense if you’re a foodie. Or that’s how you prefer to live. But (I think) there are much better, truthfully meaningful things to be excited about. Having that perspective, however, was literally unthinkable before suppressing my appetite through a proper diet and of course, the OMAD plan.

Now let me tell you something based on my experiences with various substances. The quote-unquote food high is extremelly overrated and really not that different than what’s commonly referred to as “stoned as mofo.” While (for the past decade) I really didn’t mess with the latter, eating quickly reminds me of how the same felt. Both food and weed make me very slow, unable to get anything done or think clearly. Totally distracted and uninterested in the current situation, I don’t want to mess with anything nor anyone, but fall flat on my face and sleep. Yes, in both cases, I feel heavy. It’s just that food doesn’t increase my shyness. Or at least not to that unimaginable extent. And neither causes me to think that everything is stupid.

No, I really don’t like when people use so-called motivational quotes like — “What are you truly hungry for and etc.?” Apart from not motivating, those also never made any sense to me. Sure, the gratification delay definitely plays a huge role. That, however, really isn’t because of hunger. But mainly because of its abstinence. So let me explain.

Though some may disagree, to me, hunger is (nothing more than) an incredibly, annoying, and (utterly) unnecessary distraction. Different than the sex urge, the same really can’t be utilized. And neither redirected towards something productive. Hunger and cravings not just make delaying gratification (quite) impossible and prevent one from making sober decisions, but could also be very embarrassing. Now guess what. Following a regimen like the described makes both of them disappear.

In fact, permanent hunger suppression is not only entirely possible but can be easily attained through several simple adjustments. (1) Elimination of all craving causing foods. (2) A diet boosting the production of the satiety signals PYY and CCK. (3) Restricted feeding window.

No longer needing the caused by eating, dopamine hits. — Which BTW are identical to those induced by drugs. — Now you’re in full control of that aspect of your life. Thus you more easily find pleasure where previously couldn’t and even get to decide how to experience it. Then you become much more productive and start getting the very gentle yet mighty high of this Fasted Life.

The muscles grow, while the brain runs like a well-oiled machine. The stomach stays empty, while the waste and midsection smaller. Yet the mind is satiated, knowing that the person makes the most out of her day. Living like that for 5 years, made me experience more joy from what I do than all that I got from eating since I was born.

Kind of a self-discovering, the same period showed me something very substantial. Namely that unless addicted to sex/fapping, drugs and especially food (which although as equally addictive can’t compare with the former two regarding pleasure) I’m merely not wired to perceive those 3 as a real source of happiness. — That place is reserved for my crafts and passion for doing research. To realize it, however, I needed to see things from a mature and sober perspective. While NoFap provided that for the first, the second I quit before I got 20, the described combination of diet and OMAD did all of the work for the last.

Now I much rather get my gratification from creating and not consuming. Hence I (more or less) see this whole thing as sort of a “Non-consumer” lifestyle. And yes, the same I’d still live even if no one watches my videos, read my stuff, or listens to my music. Creating and building things, including my physique, provides me with a priceless, unattainable through the three mentioned feeling. — Once experienced, it truly changes the life of a person. Hopefully, that makes sense. Now let me address two things I never spoke off.

Formerly, mentioning sex reminds me that similar to the crazier pumps I get (at the gym) when fasted, the first is 100 times better. So let me tell you the primary reasons for that. (A) It allows me to way better feel my own and my partner’s body. Therefore get a far superior experience.

(B) While fasting dramatically increases my ability to stay present and be at the moment, eating does the complete opposite and bloats the crap out of me. After doing the latter, I can’t really connect with anyone. Let alone to have sex with them. (C) When fasted I feel super light and leaner. After around 16th hour, my stomach assumes a slight vacuum, and my vascularity increases. By making me feel way more attractive, that very beneficially influences my performance in bed.

Because of that, I highly recommend it to anyone, including the ones already succeeding with NoFap. Adding fasting on top of it takes your performance in bed to a new level
For similar reasons, I also recommend fasting to those having daily spiritual hygiene or regimen. Regardless of what that may be. — Yoga, meditation, or some more dramatic action and Intense visualizations requiring rituals. Fasting increases your focus, makes you experience everything more vividly and move with greater ease. So take that under consideration. Now let’s get back to the “Freedom,” I told you about.

The same is also one of some very counterproductive and plenty suffering causing, restrictions. For instance: Using will power (and discipline) to either eat, not eat or eat something (you don’t want to) and stop at a certain number of calories isn’t just a total waste of resources, but in fact, leads to consequences like will power depletion and decision fatigue. Guess what. It’s also a fucking joke. And no, that’s not because you’re “bad” and “undisciplined.” But because your will power and discipline are, in fact, utterly futile against your hormones.

Based on my experience, the purpose improving will power, (and decision making) can be easily defeated if one’s in constant worry of wheater or not, what and how much to eat. Thus I’m not willing to develop those faculties to merely waste them on that (never-ending), mental health ruining nonsense. Luckily, the OMAD plan, (I follow) also allowed me to break free from it and enjoy food like never before. Meaning I literally eat like a “King” and look better than ever.

Not just that, but I can (freely) go out for a whole night or stay up later. All without thinking of food and most importantly, not having it in my stomach. But please don’t get me wrong. When eaten only once a day and before bed, good food is fantastic. It helps me sleep and in a sense, completes my day. That, however, by no means makes it a necessity, nor the only way of finishing the latter.

Going through a two-day fast (as easy as a blink of an eye) while reaping the cleansing benefits of some light autophagy (aka useless and toxic cell death), my body’s full of energy. And when fasted, it really doesn’t crave sleep. So I can fully enjoy my time doing whatever I want, and especially when traveling or having sex.

No, I never “party” and neither get wasted. Yet mentioning “total waste” reminds me of another example of it. — Insanely energy demanding, eating, (especially digesting) makes me sleepy and tired. Yes, that’s in spite of the macronutrient combination. High fat or high carb, it’s just how our bodies work when making the newly ingested food bioavailable. Eliminating that not only prevents me from wasting energy (I can surely use to create something), I want. But also ensures my body burns its own stores for fuel. — The same I consider as the ultimate for humans.

Why that happens? Well, because of the two hormones. — Insulin and Glucagon. Opposites of each other, they have utterly different functions. — While the first stores and builds, the second burns and destroys the already stored. When the first is elevated, the latter is not and vice verse. Therefore, you really can’t have a presence of both. Fasting keeps insulin low, but all of that ends when calories or things like Gatorade are ingested. Then the body switches from burning to storing mode. But that also isn’t entirely bad.

Done strategically and very infrequently. — Or in other words, at the right time, with the proper foods and after some results-producing resistance training. — That not just builds a remarkable physique but also drastically boosts your life quality.

Though I don’t pretend to have some impressive aesthetics, I’m quite confident of soon meeting my own criteria for that.
The coolest, however, is that my physique really isn’t a result of restrictions and calorie tracking. And neither of fitting stuff in my macros, doing cardio and some nervous system overtaxing workouts. No, I don’t mess with any of that stuff, and in fact, I kinda feel for the people who do so.

What brings me the desired outcome are several things. (1) Working (not against) but in conformity with my body’s mechanisms and never forcing it to do things it doesn’t want to. (2) Providing it with adequate nutrition. (3) Avoiding fat accumulation and ensuring it makes the most out of that nutrition through high insulin sensitivity. (4) Being what’s called very metabolically flexible. Or in other worlds turning my body into (an effortlessly switching fuel sources) “Dual Burner.” Thus operating optimally regardless of what I had on the previous day. Carbs and proteins. Fats and proteins. Or nothing.

(5) Being consistent with the right kind of training. — High volume, high frequency, and pretty much no rest between sets type of intensity. Last but not least and though not directly OMAD related, (6) Sexual Transmutation. To make the training and many other things in my life possible. — For that, you can learn more about in multiple of my other videos and articles. (1, 2 , 3, 4, 5)

Some people call this “Biohacking,” I mostly see it as co-operating with my body. So I can get it to do whatever I want while (also) feeling happy in the process. Because I know that only then it’s willing to do it again and again and that the same, never happens if I force on it the things it hates. I mean, why should I expect any different since I do the total opposite when that approach is applied to me. As long as I don’t forget this, I get the desired results. I know how things are now and also remember how they were in the past. Therefore sticking to what I do is a no brainer.

Other than that, I really don’t give a fuck about terms like “Keto,” “Paleo,” or “Carnivore.” Nor about if I’m in ketosis or not. And neither of the number blood ketones I have. Truly substantial are only how I feel, perform, and look.

To me, the mentioned diets, (and even the OMAD plan itself), are nothing more than mere tools, which I use to maintain my lifestyle and as a part of something bigger. They’re means and not ends. They also aren’t my religion, nor the apex of my self-improvement. But along with NoFap and training, make an extremely substantial part of its foundation. Therefore I kinda see them as inseparable. Applying (or making them work in synergy) was the crucial stage of optimizing my performance and attaining the desired look. Now I can create whatever I want and feel fantastic in my own skin.

Combined, they made the formerly “impossible” “Possible” and put me on a new life path. The same included acquiring skills I didn’t dream of and finding the best suiting my persona, spiritual practices. Thus helped me to incorporate that kind of work into my day.

The more I mature, however, the more I see that stage as although vitally important also preliminary. Even that I can’t imagine life without OMAD, the same really isn’t an all problems’ solution. It merely makes life incredibly convenient and allows you to much easier come up with better solutions.

Cleaned from “nonsense” like “when” “what” and “how much” to eat, the mind operates with much more free space. Making it run way smoother that contributes to the more frequent and natural creation of new, better ideas, while also preserving the number of daily decisions for the times when making the right ones is truly important. That’s why I kinda see the properly adjusted OMAD plan as most optimal for those striving to be their own best version of the renaissance person.

The energy body uses to digest multiple meals can surely be invested in developing various crafts. The spent on food and calorie related dilemmas decisions and will power preserved for the perfection of art pieces or articles. Besides building an inspired by the 70s physique and not thinking of food nor calories, that’s why I started OMAD 5 years ago. I merely wanted to optimize my creative process regarding music production, filming, and editing while also acquiring better writing skills.

Though based on my own empirical study, it all worked out, I’m leaving you to decide whether or not it did. Comment me what you think not just about this video but also of my two latest tracks. “As Above So Below” & “Self Sufficiency.” — You can take this as a sponsored message.

Saying it reminds me of the person who inspired me to start OMAD in the first place. It was Serge Nubret and what I knew about his life. A successful actor, author, training innovator, and the best aesthetics of all time having Hall of Famer. His legend always will be a perfect representation of the renaissance person.

I believe you should get to a point with your diet and training to feel so good in your body and skin to actually wanting to incorporate some internal work. All that physical hacking or improvements that we know how to do nowadays should eventually become a part of something bigger. It should free your existence from all nonsense like tracking calories or entertaining yourself with food by eating frequently. And guess what. That really shouldn’t happen in return of becoming obsessed with your diet or regimen. But do it, so you can do those other things you previously couldn’t.

Ultimately my perspective is that anyone should give him/herself a chance and permission to actually taste the taste of not eating. That of being highly metabolically flexible, and not dependent on, nor emotionally attached to food. Try it for a while, and see. Most importantly, “feel” how it feels. Do it as an empirical study and develop your own unbiased perspective. If you don’t like it, then great. There always will be plenty of specially engineered products to quickly bring you back to the recent food obsession.

If you ask me, however, the total opposite should be one of the most accurate measurements of whether or not a diet works. Paleo, Keto, Carnivore, Organic to me those tags really don’t mean that much if one’s is still dependant on food and needs some frequent feedings or butter in his or her coffee to fix mood, blood sugar, and cravings. Plain fasting should be effortless.

Yet that doesn’t mean I disvalue food quality. In fact, to me, the same is more important than ever. And that’s not because I’m afraid of getting fat. By usually having two fasted workouts, I can pretty much burn anything. The reason being is because, besides raw material for my physique, the right kind of food is a drug. Actually, it’s multiple different ones. (1) Performance enhancer; (2) Mood booster; And (3) an excellent (no side effects) causing sleep med. As Dr. Jason Fung likes to say regarding junk food and non-alcoholic liver disease: “You really can’t exercise your liver.”

Rather than to “socialize” I use food as a mean to help myself crushing it at whatever I do, go to bed at the desired hour, get extra quality sleep, wake up whenever I want and repeat the whole thing on the next day. Apparently, none of them is related to the actual process of eating.

Thank You For Your Time

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