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(1) Give you my top NoFap benefits, while in the meantime share some thoughts and suggestions. (2) Give my older Me my extremely concise, yet ultimate NoFap tip. (3) Explain how I perceive NoFap after doing for close to 6 years. Having that said, let’s run the intro and dive deep into the first.
#4. Faster Muscle Gains And Unexpected Youthfulness
Despite already into bodybuilding, getting actual results was something I was never experiencing. By naturally optimizing my testosterone levels, NoFap quickly helped me change that. Only two months into my journey, my muscles started peaking and growing in a completely different manner. It was a change I can only describe as unforgettable. While 4/5 was my total max of weekly workouts, my endurance and vascularity went to the roof. And I began training with a commonly considered as an abnormal for a natural lifter frequency. Meaning to (usually) follow a no days off, double split with plenty of volume and intensity.
The coolest part, however, is that unlike gear and GH, NoFap also improves youthfulness. Despite almost 6 years older, now I look and feel incomparably much better and younger than long before starting. My whole facial appearance is different. And along with (mentioned) muscle gains, the skin of my entire body drastically improved. For that, however, I also credit my anti-inflammatory diets and fasting regimen.
Now listen closely. Once in a while, (at the gym) I meet people who f*ck with both roids and GH. 6 to 8 years younger, they look way older than me. Something which I believe must be considered by anyone wanting to not just build muscle, but also stay younger. Instead of planning the first cycle, merely give NoFap a try. Now let’s move to the next one.
#3. Game Over
As someone who’ve done all three, I’ll tell you that just like “fapping,” “pick up” isn’t that different than drugs. Both “GAME” and drugs can oblige you to betray yourself by doing things you really don’t want to. They can force you to smile or laugh when nothing really is funny. Or to pretend that you’re interested in stuff you hate while messing with people, you wouldn’t even talk to. Ones to potentially satisfy the unbearable sex urge, for which you can’t actually get a proper erection. Others to have the connection or merely half of the money for some more expensive substances.
With drugs, you usually crave two things. (1) The actual high. Whether that’s mental, physical or both. (2) The illusion that the substance makes you more of yourself. The truth, however, is that (in the long term) it actually makes you less of yourself while also disconnecting you from reality. Please remember that for a moment.
With “game,” the craving also isn’t’ just for the sex per se. In fact, I do believe that the coming after ego boost is often even more anticipated. At least it is by many people. Thus it plays a very substantial role. In namely to temporary satisfy the desperate, induced by a low self-esteem need for validation. To be complete that validation, however, must come from two places. (A) The intimate partners. (B) The dedicated to the same thing acquaintances. When both present, the ego gets a real high. And for a moment allows the person to think highly of his or her self. For that, getting laid more often becomes the person’s main problem and focus of existence.
Preoccupying the mind, that illusion consumes from within through a manner, not different than one’s drug of choice. It dictates the person’s reality and priorities. Including a vast portion of their thoughts, what happens in their daily lives. Especially with whom and how they spend their days. Okay, but what all that has to do with NoFap? Well, albeit it may vary from person to person quite a lot actually.
To me quitting that vicious circle not just happened organically, but also instantaneously after jumpstarting NoFap. In fact, I previously thought that living and thinking differently wasn’t possible. Later in life that led me to the following conclusion. Just like doing drugs makes you want to do more, maybe add some liquor and maintain a particular lifestyle. Drinking makes you drink more and maybe do a bunch of drugs. Smoking causes you to crave it more and eating junk makes you eat more and different kinds.
In spite of the fact, my d*ck wasn’t working correctly. Porn and masturbation made me fap and chase sex like my fuc*ing life depended on it. BTW. Do you know that there’s an increasing number of studies to prove around 70% of the watching porn men actually can’t get an erection with a real woman?
Knowing they all work on the brain’s reward mechanisms, now I kinda see them as the same thing. And with a risk of saying something maybe only few will get — To me the freedom of “pick-up” would still be priceless. Even if it was the single NoFap benefit.
Because of the same, I can easily communicate with women and girls while looking straight into their eyes but not perceiving them as sexual objects. To also resist the temptation, of having sex with a seemingly beautiful person, who the inner voice tells me sucks sh*t, and recognize as attractive others I previously wasn’t even noticing. To a former sex and porn addict all that is literally invaluable.
#2. Courage, Confidence, And Control (3XC)
Shyness was something I struggled through all my childhood and puberty. And for a period breaking free from it was only possible through drugs and alcohol. In massive amounts. Although winning a national DMC, getting recognition from the best “turntablist” and bodybuilding all gave me confidence, the insecurity partly remained. Going on NoFap, however, made a radical shift within me. By flipping a switch in my brain that allowed me to detach from those emotions and do things anyway.
Some call it confidence, others building a certain level of courage. I call it not giving fu*k, and instead of powering the paralyzing thoughts, valuing yourself and your work, and time in this reality.
You can call it however you want. The bottom line is that without it I wasn’t going to upload my articles and music on the internet. Let alone to show my face in front of the camera. By the moment of writing this, I still consider myself a shy person. My overly protective ego still tries to avoid the possibility of being disliked by someone out there. But as you can see that really doesn’t stop me from taking action. I, you and him all know how this is going to end. With me making myself vulnerable by the publishing this essay and moving to the next. Exactly what I did 18 months ago. The even better, however, is that same mentality I can also apply to everything. Now let’s talk control.
While by itself the described (undoubtedly) is control over the inner critic the same doesn’t end with that. Instead, it expands through all aspects of life. Including time management and goal prioritization. Swapping bad and useless habits for some useful and productive ones. Rather than being a dick, misbehaving, and pushing people away, organically having both men and women f*ck with me. Not being overly reactive to the people’s words and actions, like I was for 23 years.
Yet I became extremely picky about the people I surround myself with. Confidently moving in silence, while getting closer and closer to creating the exact kind of content I want to create, as I strive for self-sufficiency by taking full responsibility for what I want to achieve and not wait for any help. Do you know where all of that comes from? Two words. Sexual transmutation.
#1. Sexual Transmutation And Semen Retention
Being the root cause of it all, I value semen retention, and especially the channeling of sexual energy as the ultimate NoFap benefit. Due to the same, I also (often) experience emotions of pure joy, happiness, and excitement because of stuff, I was previously blind for. That triggers a sense of sincere gratitude, and I feel blessed. Actually, I often feel like having a blast, without any particular reason. Yet, finding one and being grateful for it, really doesn’t take effort.
Semen retention showed me how much more there is to us as human beings and to life in general. To master the latter, we have to explore it. That requires being very interested in it. While I don’t pretend to be a master at anything, I do consider myself a certain level of proficiency having, very devoted to his crafts student. That devotion, however, was something I was only able to dream of. Although deep within me I knew about it I could never really handle it both physically and mentally. Providing the ability for that, sexual transmutation put me on a quest for a permanent self-Actualization.
Slower or faster, in that period I developed all of my valuable faculties. From making music and creating artworks and visuals for it to editing and filming videos. I also found my passion for writing improved my skills in it. Even that it wasn’t easy, 95% of the time felt awesome. The certainty of putting my time and energy in good use, in namely investing them into personal-development gave me previously unknown inner peace and calmness that reflected on my entire persona.
Although I always had dreams and interests, sexual alchemy made me excited about the actual process of becoming. And not merely in the final outcome or goal. It achieved what some of the most potent substances didn’t. Ever since then I live creating and executing and not merely dreaming. Yet I didn’t stop the latter.
It was made clear in the previous video that NoFap drastically improved my performance in bed and allowed me to sustain arousal pretty much as long as I want. Semen retention and sexual transmutation, however, made all of my crafts and creative process feel like sex.
It feels like sex when I write or create music. When I film and edit a video. Or when just like Arnold, I train and flex at the full of people gym, and we all see the obvious the mirror. When I finish and deliver a track or an article or in other words achieve my vision for it, then I have an orgasm. The kind of orgasm to make me feel in unity with the very source of life and the whole universe, while instead of losing anything each time gaining something. Something that gets me a bit closer to my higher self or Holy Guardian Angel (HGA).
My Ultimate Tip To My Old Me
Jumpstart NoFap. Learn how to channel and productively utilize your sexual energy and a new world and a new you will be revealed.
Final Thoughts
While I put the freedom of “pick up” as fourth, I really don’t value it as less substantial then semen-retention. In fact, I’m a firm believer that the latter’s not possible when the mind is pre-occupied with sexual urges and the mentioned, triggered by a low self-esteem need for validation. Those things aren’t to be underestimated, and they easily defeat the purpose of cultivating sexual energy.
The high sex drive is desired by everyone, yet it shouldn’t be allowed to dominate one’s life. Instead, it should be harnessed and used by one to dominate life. Now they call that “superpowers.” The truth, however, is that the same is the “ancient” practice of sexual alchemy. Have the freedom to call it however you want, but the real question is what are you going to use it for. Are you going to waste that potent energy on some temporary ego boosts? Or you’re going to invest it in becoming a greater You who makes sh*t happen. Whatever that means for you.
We can conclude that sexual transmutation not just keeps our minds fertile, but as well enables us to execute on our dreams and ideas. Through the years, however, I found that when by itself the same is not all and beyond and allowing ourselves to fully take advantage of it, requires more! Having a muse, for instance, is something which helps dramatically. Or at least it does during the earliest stages. Using the same to incrementally develop a proper habit of daily exercise, apply a fasting regimen with the right kind of foods won’t just give you great physique but also sustained levels of energy you probably never dreamed of.
Aw, and btw it will free you from the annoying hunger which as mentioned is quite similar to the cravings for sex and porn. And then? Then what? Then I believe anyone should start working on their spirituality through the best suiting them spiritual practices.
Now with the risk of repeating myself, I’ll end with an idea already exposed in my first poem’s self-analysis. In the previous eras, people weren’t bombarded with porn, commercials, pick-up, and pop music. That made mastering practices like sexual transmutation, tantra, and even Sex Magick so much easier than it is now. Because of that, I perceive NoFap as their beginning for all modern day women and men.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”no” hundred_percent_height=”no” hundred_percent_height_scroll=”no” hundred_percent_height_center_content=”yes” equal_height_columns=”no” menu_anchor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” status=”published” publish_date=”” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”center center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” fade=”no” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ video_mp4=”” video_webm=”” video_ogv=”” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_loop=”yes” video_mute=”yes” video_preview_image=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” admin_label=”Video” admin_toggled=”yes” type=”legacy”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”true” border_sizes_top=”0″ border_sizes_bottom=”0″ border_sizes_left=”0″ border_sizes_right=”0″ first=”true”][fusion_youtube id=”https://youtu.be/ywdw2vzHmsU” alignment=”” width=”” height=”” autoplay=”false” api_params=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” css_id=”” /][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]