10 Things that changed my life.
These probably 10 most fundamental things that changed my life for better. I am so proud and happy with each one of them. Every single thing in that list is symbol of personal win and overcoming my weaknesses, also surviving hard periods of time…
1. I Quit Drugs, alcohol and smoking.
1. I Quit Drugs, alcohol and smoking.
Probably all of my teenage years was completely marked by the stamp of Drugs… I was heavily involved in using them Due to many reasons bad environment, school, inner weaknesses, family problems, and mostly personal unconfindence and irrabillity to step up and change things. Quitting Drugs takes really special place in my heart. It is one of the things that will never let me forgot who I was, where I came from, what I’ve been thru, but in the same way will always remind me that everything is possible… As long as you willing to take yourself serious as it possible and truly believe in achieving your desired goals…
2. I got intro Scratching/ Turntablism …
When I got into scratching I realize the fact that life is an icredible gift. This is the thing that actually woke me up from the awful nightmare during my “school” and teenage years.
This is how I started developing my character as person. This is how I started my daily rituals and this is the thing that really really helped me quit drugs and alcohol.
3. I made my mom quit smoking…
I always felt like I have to do this one no matter what it takes. From this one I learned that if you improve the quality if life of your loved ones that immediately improve the quality of your life in an awesome way…
4.I got myself in to the Gym.
I Started train at least 5 times a week (Bodybuilding and Fitness). This one along with the 2-nd one(scratching) helped me build the incredible confidence in me which I never had… Confidence that helped me realize the simple fact that everything is possible and “I CAN DO EVERYTHING ON MY OWN” … Or I don’t need help, we don’t need team or crew or squad or …. someone else we can build what ever we want on our own without depending on nobody. As long as we willing to do a bit of extra work… Both Turntablism and Bodybuilding have pretty much the same energy. I mean I feel like everything in both of them depends on you. You are building your body same way as you building your signature style of scratching. Day by day Practice by practice, meal by meal workout by workout. I see the connection between them two. Both of them are slow grind activities. You will not build the body of your dreams by a day or too and you will not became a good scratcher over night.. Bodybuilding is not a team sport You are the key ingredient in the whole situation… not the crew not the team not the company or whatever… And for me this is the whole beauty of it. For example If you train twice a day “killing it” in the gym 5 to 6 times a week, If you are open minded for new and fresh knowledge about food nutrition, dieting without giving a F..K what is been told in the magazines or none of that crap…You apply everything you
Guess what… You are making progress ! ! ! And that progress is a result of the great work that at the end of the day is done by one person … Guess who YOU ! ! !
YEP Congratulate your self. You’ve trained everyday for years , You’ve prepared your meals , you ate them, You was consistent at what you do… So now you got the muscles.Thank yourself not the team or the crew…
5. I got rid from all of the negative people around me.
(This one is Crucial)
I realize that it is nearly impossible to achieve anything if you are surrounded by negative people who don’t believe in anything but basically have doubt about everything . And most important don’t believe in themselves. People who always trying to set you back from your goals and put doubt in everything I do…
When I did this and the 1st one from the list I felt like the quality of my life jumped to the roof.. Also for some reason I begin to have higher standards about everything.
6. (Another Crucial) I REALIZE the incredibly important fact that having more sex or having more affaires with women than the guy next to me is not going to add real value to my life, is not going to make me better person, definitely is not going to make me happier, is not going to push me toward my goals is not going help me achieve my goals… Actually is the oposite…It is going to set me back from turning my dreams into reality… And more or less it simply going to lose my time, energy and mental focus…
When I was a teenager I had this problem that I was living my life with the idea that having more sex etc. Is something that is real i worthy… probably due to the messed up hormones I had because of my poor diet and the substances.
I saw the bigger picture that shows the cruel reality which is when someone out there spend his time having more sex or having affaires with more women or whatever he is put himself into a position to be easily out grinded or out worked by someone else…
( I will talk a lot more about this subject in other posts)
7. I got Into Beatmaking.(Something that I always wanted to do.)
This is something that I cannot explain with words – The way how I feel when I make a beat.
There is nothing that makes me more fulfilled than composing a piece of music that sounds Great to my ears …
I heard this from one of the best life coaches right now. It was something like
“One of the greatest keys to happiness is simply spending time on your SIGNATURE POWER”
And I really feel Incorporating the art of scratch and turntablism into the beats I do is my signature power.
8. I Stopped sharing with strangers and other people my plans about my life and the things that I do. Basically stopped trusting people. A I realize the importance of keeping my circle close as it is possible…
I don’t know why but when I did this one I felt like everything become easier and on another hand I felt like I am achieving my goals with a lot less effort.
9. I gained some skill into making websites and ( And I actually liked it.)
Peteothebeat.com and Jackofalltrades.com.
10. I fixed the way I eat I’ve mastered The Intermittent Fasting , The one meal a Day and the Ketogenic (High Fat – low carb) Ways of eating…
Also I got rid pretty much from all of the sugar, carbs and junk I use to eat before.
Few things I noticed :
*Better mental Clarity and focus.
*A lot more time during the day.
*A lot more confidence.
*A lot better pumps in the gym.
*Totally improved way of talking and communicating with people.
*A lot less stress.
*A lot less energy crashes during the day.
*10 times more productivity.
*Spending a lot less money on food…
(Actually I can go on and on on this one but there will be more posts on this topic.)
I start collecting my money and use them in what building my own reality instead of spending them for all kinds of random stuff…
Here are few examples
Instead of buying more pairs of or clothes sneakers I will decide to put the money in something that I am going actually use to bring me a bit closer to turning some dream of mine into reality.
For example studio gear or some markers for tags or graffiti, or instead of buying latest supplement on the market (that is load with sugar and all kinds of substances that I can’t even read properly) simply go and load the fridge with couple pounds of red meat…
Again better results. better beats, better pump , leaner body , better life….
So There you have it A list of 10 things that played a fundamental role in improving quality of my life and changing it for better.
I will be so happy if you share with me some of your 10 things that changed your life for better.