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How I’m going to do it is by firstly illustrating a process, which I continue seeing over and over again since I was a teenager. And than I’m going to proceed, by giving you my thoughts on the subject. Before starting however, I believe it’s more than necessary to do this disclaimer:

Because I’m a male, I decided to do this post, by mostly talking about the Red Pill men. Yet, we shouldn’t forget that same are nothing more than the best equivalent (we could have), of the already long existing feminists. Due to that, I believe both genders, may benefit from watching the video or by reading the post.

Apart of those things, I would like to also make clear that: I don’t have any intentions of discouraging you to take or to not take the Red Pill. Women or men, girls or boys or whatever gender you feel you are… I believe there’s place for all of us under this and under the suns of other planets.

After all since we’re all humans, then we should be able to feel equal and accepted as such. And as long as we’re not harming anyone, including our own selves, all of us should be free to do what ever the f*ck we want, without asking nor seeking anyone’s permission or approval.

So, with all of that, being said let’s begin.

The Beginning Of It All

Puberty is the period of our lives, when we feel most insecure. Despite we’re full of inferiority complexes, self doubt and anxiety, many of us often play it tough on the outside.

Yet, within ourselves we’re truly fragile and highly susceptible to the opinions of others. Not able to see the bigger picture, nor even what we’re truly capable of (in terms of own talents and gifts), we badly search for instant gratification and approval.

Sadly in most cases we’re looking for those things, on the wrong places.

While some menage to grow and overcome that state, others remain in it forever. Based on my experience and on what, I continue seeing until this day, I sincerely believe that: Same things play huge role, in the process that sets a lot of people on the path to taking the Red Pill.

It all begins when an already addicted to porn and sex person (especially male), begins living with the mentality, that having more intimate contacts (preferably with different partners), is the way of being cooler, better and even more successful than surrounding him people. (especially males)…

I like to call that: The mindless rat race, in which the majority (if not all) of the males on this planet participate. Although many will deny admitting it, I’m pretty sure most of us know exactly what I’m talking about. A full fledge, real time multiplayer game, in which we all are, or at least at some point of our lives were.

Just incase you’re not sure what I’m talking about I highly encourage you to watch this video and then continue reading…

That quote unquote competition, boils down to few basic, yet in many cases untold things:

As long as certain individual has more sexual relations, he not only gets something like a secret and holy permission to feel like he’s more unique and even superior to the others. But to also expect, if not even to demand of them believing the same.

Loyal to the competition (or maybe simply afraid, of what the people would say and think of them), those others (aka the currently surrounding him males), have one untold, yet somehow, well known by them responsibility:

Firstly, they have to be very excited about listening to all of the details, the person most likely eagerly, shares about his intimate life. And then, to genuinely congratulate him, after listening, preferably with wide open mouths and eyes. The way that happens, is by showing him, how amazed of his incredible achievements they are.

Now you probably wonder, what are the point and outcome of that whole interaction.

After repeating the process, number of times… And with each giving that exceptional talent, his well deserved respect and approval, ultimately he becomes their personal, yet unproclaimed hero and taste maker.

Although it surely plays very important role, his sexual experience however is really not the sole reason for that. There’s something else. Something which the others start craving almost instantaneously and in many cases, even more than the actual intimate contacts.

Most likely lacking confidence and self value, those teenagers, start seeing the idea of getting same or similar responses, as a remarkably easy and powerful way of gaining both. Craving approval and respect, they come to the conclusion, that impressing the people in similar manner, is the way to go.

Instead of focusing on developing their own selves, silently but surely, that becomes their priority. And eventually after a while, their number one goal in life.

In their heads having more intimate contacts and especially talking about it, starts having different meaning: It becomes their way proving they are the s*it. Now the response they get is no longer just a verification, but a real promise that those illusions are actually true.

Subconsciously taking as role models, empty headed people, who besides the temporary approval they get from their homies, probably don’t have much their lives going… They enter the same mindless rat race.

Due to their higher testosterone levels, non developed characters, lack of life experience and knowledge about many things… And of course because of their massive porn and sex addictions, that process occurs seamlessly.

Although the need for orgasms, is already insatiable, that’s not the single addiction those still young individuals have. In many cases, the craving for validation/approval, such as the one for feel of superiority amongst fools, become much stronger.

Eventually that whole combination creates a very wrong mind frame. Same not only plants the seed of misconception in their heads, but also makes it grow like it’s on steroids. It sets the beginning of one extremely unhealthy relationship, with sex and many if not of the all things related to the opposite gender.

So What Happens Next?

Despite problematically big portion of their existence is preoccupied with sex. In particular the numbers of partners and interactions they have. A lot of males never really get to figure out their own type, nor taste about the person, they would truly want to mess with.

Instead they accept a model, artificially embedded in their minds, by things like : porn, media and of course their homies opinions.

Attractiveness is not measured by character, personality and over all physical appearance. Instead their choices are mostly dictated by the neediness for orgasms and the feel of being the s*it and of course body parts…

Rather than pure pleasure, intimate contacts become loaded with expectations and society’s requirements complex thing.

Slaves to that aggressively instilled criteria, they automatically become blind to many things and people. Becoming interested in only one type of women, not only makes them completely unavailable, for huge percent of females. But also makes those people unavailable to them.

Yet I believe that: the fact they most likely don’t work on their physiques and probably developed some bad habits in the mean time, also drastically helps with that.

After staying in that quote unquote capsule for years, eventually they conclude that: All of the women are the same. Repeating that to themselves for long enough, turns it into their reality through both : the habit of hypnotic rhythm and The law of attraction

But all of that doesn’t matter. And why it should? Since that’s what gives them permission to flex (right now) and maybe for at least a moment forget about the growing inside them void. It never stops and it never ends. It not only surrounds them wherever they go but it is also inside them…

Yet, the things get even uglier, when same people I’m portraying, stumble upon the advocated by many pick up artist ideas and way of thinking.

Now, on top of everything they apply the mentality that: As long as they have the game thing going, they can have almost anyone for intimate partner. How they look and what kind of people they are is really not that important…

All they need is putting enough effort and maybe even pretending they’re something which not necessarily matches with the reality who they are.

The Moment Of Taking The RedPill

Well, I believe that happens approximately after 10 or maybe only 5 years of living like that. After that period those guys come to few important realizations…

Usually the first is that, things not always happen as the pick up artists told them they would.

Secondly and most importantly: That whole craze was reflection of the huge emptiness they have deep in their souls. Emptiness they were either ignoring, or trying to fill with more sexual interactions, maybe some drug usage… And of course by proving something, to the meat heads, next to them.

They understand that all of it was a signal. Sent by their subconscious minds, it was indicating that really wasn’t their life purpose.

Reminding them of the dreams and aspirations, they never dared pursuing. And also of the fact, that for whatever reason, they never really felt good about themselves, nor confident in their own skin… Sadly for the past decade, they also never made any real attempts of changing that.

They understand that although, it sucked enormous amounts of their energy, all of that flexing was actually very pointless and never helped them achieve anything with real value.

Thinking in that manner, makes them understand the painful truth : There were much more productive ways of utilizing all of that energy.

And probably during that whole period, when they were trying to prove something to people they most likely no longer care about, someone out there, was putting the hours of work. They ask themselves what was going to happen if they were that person.

Not mature enough, to take responsibility for the consequences of their way of living… And again influenced by other males who recently or a while ago came to the same conclusions. They feel need to blame someone for what they pretty much single handedly did to themselves.

So who would be more suitable then the women. After all, wasn’t that whole thing about them. Than the desire of competing in the mindless rat race surrenders to the bitter resentment and hatred they prefer to start feeling.

But is it a scam that: So many people report experiencing, major life quality improvements after popping the RedPill? No, it is not… Yet I sincerely believe, that is not because they gave up women in general, but because of the following things.

No longer part of the mindless rat race, they don’t take advices, from pick up artist. By giving up all women, they automatically also stop messing with the wrong kind of such. Which means they no longer communicate with toxic people, just because they’re needy and brainwashed by porn. Although, they still are they simply not do it. Therefore they no longer have to put time and effort convincing those people to do something…

No longer trying to prove something to someone, nor plotting and scheming in order to get their dicks rode and keep them numbers going… They have a lot more free time and space in their heads.
Rather than meditating, on who’s fucking who and competing with them… They are finally able to preoccupy their minds with things really important to themselves.

Maybe for the first time (in their lives), the more introverted get to experience the glorious awesomeness of being alone and single. Some start f*cking with self help. And all those things open their eyes for a life previously completely unavailable to them.

Now, isn’t all of that amazing… Well, I cannot deny it is, but there are few things, I would like to say.

First of all it seems like things don’t always go that route, because what I saw was quite different.

In terms of youtube videos, I mostly stumbled on many damaged men, who decided to dedicate their lives convincing young males, women are responsible for all of the world adversities. In most cases they were not showing their faces at all. Something which suggested me to not take them seriously.

I also believe that real truth is that most of them (or at least those who don’t have mommy issues) really don’t want to give up women. They simply want those things, I’ve mentioned as benefits. Which means a normal life and breaking free from that competition and the unhealthy relationship with sex. And since they don’t know better, because of the whole lifestyle they had for years… They feel like hating women is the only way to go. Yet, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now I’ll tell with you what I think is be a much healthier alternative.

The Healthier And Sustainable Alternative Or What To Do Instead

1, 2, 3 : Quit porn and stop jerking of…

If you do that for long enough, you’ll no longer be needy. Not being needy and giving up your sex and porn addictions, will automatically free you from the MMRR. For the most part it will simply stop making sense in your head. And you’re going be able to free yourself from it.

By giving up those things together, you’ll no longer feel pressure, to do anything with anyone… And you’ll also start noticing probably 10 times more females than before.

Living without that pressure, will allow you to finally develop your own criteria, for the people you would want to mess with. In other words: You’re going to be able of making much wiser decisions when interacting with people of the opposite sex. And choosing them for partners and/or friends.

Those decisions will no longer be based on neediness, ideal given porn and other’s opinions, but on the things that you truly care about.

No, I’m not encouraging you start messing with anyone. In fact I do believe that in spite of their gender… Many people, would be much happier, satisfied and way better and more successful at what they do, when single. And that’s not because half of the humans are bad but because when on their own, those people simply do better.

My intention is merely to help you realize two things: Firstly, you can reap those and many other benefits, through other much healthier and sustainable ways. And secondly… Hating half of the humans, is something you want to avoid by all means. Not because of them, but because of your own good. And I’ll get into that in a moment.

So let’s continue…

Apart of those things, I also greatly suggest you to study Napoleon Hill’s teachings. Particularly those in regards sexual energy and interactions between both genders. If you do that, you’ll find he puts some great emphasize, on few things: sexual transmutation, intimate partners, the muse and a person with whomm, you’ll have master mind alliance.

Now let’s say you become influenced, by those teachings. And along with NoFap, they help you develop an idea, for the perfect person, you would want to mess with. If you get to that point, then great. That’s the first step.

The second is accepting the fact, that we are all humans and perfect people really do not exist. And if your search for them, you’ll not only once again capsulate yourself, not live life and close your eyes for many individuals. But as well doom yourself of finding the truth, the hard way.

Instead you should stay opened and let yourself see something good in as many people as possible. Do not blame them for not meeting the rest of your requirements. Appreciate them for that exact thing and for who they are.

Yet, if all that seems not possible for particular person… Then take deep breath and admit that same one sucks accordingly to your standards. Many people you’ll meet will be like that. And when that’s the case usually you also suck accordingly to their standards. Therefore there’s no reason, to bother messing with them.

The more you diversify your own personality, the larger number of males and females you’re going be able to fuck with. Why? Because you’ll have similar or same interests and that will give you reason to communicate with each other.

Yet, having one or few similar interests with a person, doesn’t automatically make him or her meet all of your other requirements. I think you should always keep that in mind.

I also don’t believe, an addicted to porn, sex and getting approval in the previously described manner individual, could see things from that perspective. I highly encourage you taking that from a person who was a heavy porn and sex addict, for close to 12 years.

Click here, if you want to find more about that.

But what if all of the people of the opposite gender you’ve ever met treated you bad you and/or broke your heart. Than I believe, you should firstly think why that really happened, since the repeating factor in all of those cases was you. Probably somehow you or some part of you attract that thing to happen.

Apart of that, you should also realize, plenty of the people you meet in your life will most likely massively disappoint you. Not separating them on men and women, but treating them as human beings help, will not only help you become indifferent to that. But as well to see your story with each of them as an opportunity to grow.

Now The Gold Diggers…

Ok, let’s assume, I agree with everything you say about them. But before telling me how evil they are, let me remind you one commonly known, yet forgotten by many fact. We live in a patriarchal type society. Which means men run shit and mostly men create tendencies. However I don’t think that’s entirely true. I think heavily addicted to porn and other things, men do that.

Personally I really don’t think the gold diggers changed anything. I believe they simply adjusted and found way to make a damn good use, of what has been there for ages. In other words they found way to capitalize off of it…

A real gold digger realizes, that all of it is not just about sex. And that she provides a specific kind of men, the ability to show off and flex on others like them… And for a moment look better in their own eyes. Or maybe something even more: A prosthesis for their regardless of the money they have broken self-esteem.

She also is completely aware, that to many men, thats much more important than anything. And that if it is not her, that exact same man will inevitably find another to take her place…

Some individuals really want to prove something to someone, but I guess they feel unable to do it themselves. And need that porn star / extravagant looking female staying next to them in order to get the job done for them.

Now do you really think, all of that is going to end if the gold diggers disappear? Personally, I not only believe they could exist if it wasn’t about all of those men.

In fact Many gold diggers get thousands of dollars just to show for a dinner. Don’t believe me than I suggest doing a research.

The gold diggers are nothing more than a byproduct of our society and especially of that untold competition. Do you know what else… If they disappear an unimaginably large percent of males are going to miss them so bad. And you best believe sex won’t be the single reason for that.

To me the fact that all of the mgtows, feminists and gold diggers exist is nothing more than a sure sign of the following : Our society desperately needs some arrangements, so there could be more balance between both genders…

Yet, that doesn’t mean I’m trying to stop you from becoming a feminits or a mgtow. And it also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a gold digger.

Confessions And Thing’s I’ve Learned

Now I’ll will share something with you…

The period of my life when I not only didn’t like, but actually hated myself, was the same when I was using the same tactic… In order to s*th on some of my friends.

Do you know on whom I was flexing in that manner? On those exact people who I felt were : smarter, more talented and much better looking, than me. The last was really not that difficult.

Same who also had a lot more stuff than me in terms of clothes, sneakers and other things, I wanted so bad. The more intimidated and insecure I felt, the more I was using that thing to convince myself something else. Close to six years that was the second part of the time when I was heavily addicted to porn and sex.

Becoming more mature and analyzing my past helped me realize, the people who were never skipping to flex on me in that manner… Were actually doing, because they felt very insecure around me. And do you know what? Not all of them were teenagers and some were in their 30’s and 40’s

Because of that I highly suggest you listening to the following closely…

There’s a very specific reason why people flex on you with the number of their intimate partners. They feel intimidated and insecure around you. And do you know why? Because they see the bigger picture and realize very well what at least for now you do not. That you will most likely succeed everywhere they will not and because of that they want to drag you on their level.

If that happens you end up in a situation where they fuck one and then you do the same and then both of you repeat. A never ending cycle during which absolutely nothing happens. Nothing, besides the fact, someone out there is getting closer to start living your dreams, while you’re wasting your life.

Plus that there are much more efficient ways to make someone and especially those exact people feel really bad about themselves.

Do yourself a huge favor by understanding that if someone is somehow always very eager to tell you, about his sex adventures… Most likely doesn’t deserve your presence.


I hope the following sentences won’t break anyone’s heart…

If familiar with the law of polarities, than you already know that love and hate are nothing more than the two poles of the same exact thing. Since its dawn, both have been essential for the humanity. One’s denial of that, is not only a sign of great ignorance and poor self awareness, but as well speaks for non-acceptance of his or her own essence and species.

Now let’s talk about hate…

I believe any attempts of suppressing that emotion could be extremely self destructive. If you try to fight it, you’ll lose. If you pretend like it doesn’t exist and you never feel like that, because you’re an angel, soon or later it will prove you’re wrong.

Due to that powerful emotions like hate and anger, should never be taken freely. Instead they have to be channeled and control is the beginning of all of that. Now you probably wonder how to do that.

Transmutation and not presumptuous denial is the weapon of the master. Quote from the Kybalion

Despite what gender you are you have to understand what I understood around 12 years ago…

Your personality could handle only so much hatred, before it becomes damaging to your own self.
The pure hatred is very addictive and toxic emotion, which comes at cost and has side effects. You can look on it as double edged sword or even a PED. Although some of it can give you extra boost, too much of it will destroy you.

While hating a single or only few individuals… Those who did you wrong, broke your heart or disappointed you massively, could work as rocket fuel, in the process of your personal development. Hating large groups of people (let alone half of the humanity) is the worst thing you can possibly do. And by worst I don’t mean worst for them, but for yourself.

A purposeless and chaotic distraction which couldn’t be controlled nor channeled. Instead it influences every aspect of your life and dictates you what to do, think and feel.

If not eating you alive, that terrible disease will at least seriously cripple you from the inside. Making you cary the burden of feeling anxious and insecure in the presence of people of the opposite sex until the rest of your life. And just incase you’re not planning to live in the nature, they’ll always be around you…

Leave the others do what they feel is right for them and take responsibility for own feelings and actions. Realize you cannot hate one half of the human race, just because of your bad experiences with certain individuals.

In fact, the total number of people you can really hate are only those whom you ever dealt with. You cannot judge others because of them. And in all of those cases not them, but you were the repeating factor.

Now let’s for a moment see things from the following perspective: You started working on yourself, because you hate women or men. But what is going to happen, if after certain time in the future, you decide to stop hating them? Although you’ll probably always hate something or someone, you’ll most like stop hating half of the human race…

In that case you’ll end up in a situation where you’ve built all of those ambitions and drive on something that will no longer be there. Which means you’ve made the deadly mistake of making your own self improvement somehow dependent on other people.

Another deadly mistake is to hate even a single person or thing and not transmuting that hatred. In that case he or she or it will continue doing damage to you. Regardless if you continue seeing each.

The best revenge you can have is becoming the following things:

Healthier, fitter and better looking than them. And no as long as for the last the gender still doesn’t matter. Apparently you can look a lot better as female than that person looks a male and vice versa.

·Being more successful at what you, than they are at what they do;
·Living your life with true and meaningful to you purpose;
·Become completely unavailable to them;
·Move in silence while one by one accomplishing your goals I.e turning your dreams into reality;
·If you really want to, once in while you may allow them find something about your progress;
·Just to let them know you’re making sh*t happen while they are out there, thinking of you and being completely unable of doing anything about it;

You’re going in the direction you want, but do they?

Although it is extremely tempting revenge should never allow it become your goal. That will shift the focus of your attention from your own self to other people. You should work on your goals and let flexing happen as byproduct.

Should You Go Your Own Way?

Yes! Most definitely, I believe we should all go our own ways. But as individuals and not as males, females or whatever other genders there are.

Which means, we should be able to thrive and prosper as members of our interdependent society. But never letting that to stop us, knowing exactly what we want and going after it by all means necessary. Of course without harming anyone.

I also don’t believe going your own way means becoming strongly attached to the negative experiences, you had with a person, group of people nor even a whole demographic. I think it’s more like knowing who you are, what are you capable of and not letting anyone, nor anything derail you from you spiritual path.

It’s establishing a very deep and unbreakable relationship between you and the most important person/thing in your life: Your own self.

I believe that by improving our selves as individuals we can massively improve the world.

It’s not about wasting your burning pain, hatred and potent sexual energy to support other’s people narrow minded ideas and masturbating. But about reinvesting them to build your best version.

If you really want to go your own way then instead focusing on external factors like: how bad women, men or humans in general are, you have start looking inwards. No matter what happens, what you see there, should always be the primary focus of your attention. The center of your life. Where it is now, and where you want to take it from here?

Apart of that you should also invest in the development of your own relationship and way of communication with the universe, our world and all representatives of our race.

And here I’ll give you one a favorite of mine quote from the great Aleister Crowley.

“It is necessary that we stop, once and for all, this ignorant meddling with other people’s business.
Each individual must be left free to follow his own path.”

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Thank You for your time.
Yours Truly:

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